As we are affected by current health concerns, let's not forget about those unscrupulous individuals who would take advantage of others. Our inboxes are full of notices, warnings, and news updates about the the Corona virus.
The Florida Bar web site contains a warning about a false map being circulated. It purports to show the location of virus outbreaks. Instead, it contains malware. This is a reminder that even when we're tired, not feeling well, or worried about others, DON'T CLICK ON EMAIL LINKS OR IMAGES unless you are certain that the email, and its links, images and attachments are reliable. Like a virus, malware can hide on your computer system, totally inactive, only to have devastating consequences at a later time. Malware can also leave your computer unaffected, but be transmitted to others on your network or email contacts.
Just like estate planning, health care and electronic security are best handled by planning, protecting and paying attention.
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